Restaurant & Hotel Food Safety

Every hospitality kitchen relies on its food safety protocols to ensure guests are served safe, wholesome meals.

Hotels & Restaurants

Food preparation businesses in the hospitality sector include hotels, restaurants, cafés, bars, sandwich shops and similar businesses that prepare food for customers to eat on premises or for takeaway. A key requirement for these businesses is to show that food handling and preparation processes are safe and to keep documentation to show this.

Good food hygiene ensures that food prepared for customers is safe to eat. It prevents harmful microorganisms that can cause serious illness from contaminating food, prevents cross contamination, enables businesses to comply with the law, and protects the reputation of the business.

The Impact of Poor Food Safety

A food poisoning outbreak can have a catastrophic impact on a restaurant. It can destroy the reputation of the business, can cost oftentimes extremely high fines, and, more worryingly, poor food safety can seriously harm, or even kill people.

Not all restaurants are equipped to recover from a food safety disaster. Because of this, food safety is one of the most crucial areas of focus for food service professionals. Individuals at every level of the food supply chain hold responsibility and commitment to thoroughly inspect food products and handle them with extreme safety. Diligence in the transportation, inspection, handling and preparation of food makes a major difference in food safety.

“Hospitality kitchens can be a haven for food-borne microorganisms. Food safety systems are critical to protecting the consumers”

Medrin Mbiyu - Senior Sales Manager, Hychem Food safe